In the Netherlands young people who have a job are entitled to a tax refund, Averaging between 250 and 850 euro's. They only have to fill in some forms, which takes just half an hour. A big reward for a small effort. Still, the message won't stick because young people get 'scared away' when they 're contacted by the Tax Department. That's why we chose a different approach. We started campaigning for 3 fake recruitment agencies where young people could apply for a 'simple job that will pay very well.' When we had their attention we 'confessed' that the Dutch Tax Department is not a recruitment agency, but still the right adress for easy money. Radio- and bannerads created a run for the websites. And the targetgroup added a viral effect to the campaign. This resulted in 750.000 unique website visitors. With free publicity we reached a total of 2,5 million people.